Board of Directors Application (for a temporary appointment for JCESD – Black Butte, Position 3)
Jefferson County ESD consists of seven voter-elected members of the Jefferson County community, serving four districts and is a volunteer position. They will typically meet (remote or in-person) one evening per month (first Wednesday of each month, unless noted otherwise) at Jefferson County ESD to conduct business, oversee the budget/finances of the ESD and approve policy. A director’s term is for four (4) years. *Sometimes a vacancy occurs in the middle of a term and the board can appoint someone to fill the vacancy, but only until the next election period. This application is used for this reason. Anyone who wants to run for an elected board of director position during the next election must file the proper forms with the Jefferson County Clerk’s office at that time.
Applicant Requirements: -Must be over 18 years of age
- -A registered voter residing in the Black Butte School District for at least one year prior to appointment
- -Not an officer or employee of the JCESD
Length of Term: *Term ends at the next election period (May 2025)
Duties: As a member of the seven-member ESD Board of Directors, establish policy and oversee governance of the ESD in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes. Attend regular meetings, typically once per month, plus special meetings as called.
Application Procedure: This completed application (both sides) is to be returned to the Board secretary at the below address or emailed to: The Board of Directors plan to interview applicants, make a decision and appoint to have candidate take office soon thereafter.